Don’t get us wrong – we love the coastal grandmother trend just as much as we love *alll* Nancy Meyers movies. Crisp, white accents, slip-covered sofas, tons of natural light – yes, yes, and yes! But we’re also obsessed with this blend of California modern mixed with subtle coastal details from LA-based designer Christine Vroom.
Guided by the philosophy of “beauty meets function,” Christine blends timeless design with a fashion-forward attention to detail, and we are crushin.’ Here, she offers up simple ways to get this fresh, summery look in your home for when it’s time for a seasonal refresh.
Start With A Crisp White Paint
Photo: Sara Tramp
A clean canvas can accentuate the light in your space and give it a modern albeit fresh, coastal vibe. There is a seemingly endless array of white hues you can buy but sometimes they can look too hot or too cold, depending on your individual lighting. Christine’s go-to white paint? Superwhite by Sherwin Williams. Make sure to test a sample in your space first.
Use A Minimalist Color Palette
Photo: Sara Tramp
Once you have your white down, add neutrals and coastal tones. “I would recommend whites, creams, greige, taupe and add in some soft blues and/or navy,” says Christine. “Keep it really easy breezy with your palette.”
Add Natural Textures
Photo: Sara Tramp
“Incorporate small doses of natural textures like hemp, wovens, rattans and jutes, which add a little bit of that organic, beachy feel without going overboard,” says Christine. That goes for the rug too. Change up for something minimal and natural-looking. “Maybe it’s a cozy shag, a jute/wool blend, or even a simple textured neutral,” she adds.
Swap Your Art
Photo: Sara Tramp
Here’s where you can score some beautiful beach-inspired prints that don’t scream coastal ’80s. “Coastal art, beach photography and tone-on-tone paintings can bring a really calming sense throughout your space,” says Christine. We love this patterned tile too as a focal point that doesn’t overwhelm the space.
Add Faux Or Live Botanicals
Photo: Sara Tramp
Christine recommends adding eucalyptus or a palm to create an indoor/outdoor feel. There are plenty of realistic faux options (like this potted olive treefrom Pottery Barn) or make sure the real tree you find was grown to be indoors.
Go for Laid-Back Window Treatments
Photo: Sara Tramp
“If your budget allows, add wall treatments like shiplap or a grasscloth wall covering,” says Christine. We love the laid-back look of these woven shades too for added texture without committing to a whole wall.
Add A Pop Of Blue
Photo: Sara Tramp
This door and entryway sets the stage for what’s to come – an interior that feels serene and organic with elements of surprise throughout. With coastal blues, almost anything goes, from crystal blue and aqua waters to the deep dark sea.
Welcome In Natural Light
Photo: Sara Tramp
Allow all the natural light you can to shine through wherever possible. “Use simple white linen drapes to frame windows and either French or sliding doors to let the natural sunlight pour in,” says Christine. The blend of natural light, playful blue tile and white on white in this bathroom is the modern take of our coastal decor dreams. Just lovely!
Find more home decor tips on our Pinterest page and sign up for our newsletter for home, food, and wellness ideas!
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