If you are like The Winter Family there are Cherry Cordials hanging around your house now and until New Years. There is just something about that bite that releases a sweet ecstasy of flavor.
As you look at those Cherry Cordials whether at home or on the store shelf let it be a reminder to you that the hottest new begonia for 2023 is that very name Surefire Cherry Cordial.
The name tells you everything, deep chocolate leaves and vivid red flowers. Surefire tells you all you need to know as the Surefire Red has won over 26 awards across the country with Surefire Rose packs a big trophy case as well. Both, The Garden Guy and his son James, have been more than surprised at how carefree these are in the landscape. Surefire begonias are the plants you aren’t watching for insects, diseases and most shocking to me I don’t have to babysit for water. Lastly, mine have been returning in the spring in my zone 8a garden.
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The Surefire series of begonias will now offer four colors with the addition of Cherry Cordial and White. In the south they are going to reach two feet tall and wide. In the north probably slightly smaller. Whether you have sun, shade or filtered light this is the begonia for you, boasting self-cleaning flowers and zero maintenance. The most enjoyable aspect will be thinking of all the plant combinations you can do. Ill admit I have paled in comparison to the son.
My favorite combination planting ever was his partnership of Surefire Red which has green leaves with Heart to Heart, Bottle Rocket and Snowdrift caladiums, Diamond Snow euphorbia, Color Guard Yucca and Unplugged So Blue salvia. It was like a Holy Wow feast for the eyes. There really is a magical affinity for Heart to Hear caladiums and Surefire Begonias.
In Proven Winners online promotional information, they demonstrate the Surefire Cherry Cordial in a mixed container with the new Heart to Heart Scarlet Flame caladium also making its debut in 2023. Though simple in design it will take your breath away. Son James, used his opportunity with Surefire Cherry Cordial begonia in a mixed container as the thriller with Superbells Grape Punch calibrachoas and Supertunia Mini Vista White petunias.
The one common thread in all of our plantings is that they were all planted in soil that drains really well. Some beds have had more organic matter than others but the performance has been steady with all of them. The drainage has definitely been a factor in those that we let return after winter.
You will want to space your Surefire begonias 12 to 18-inches apart. To reach their true potential, maintain consistent moisture and feeding throughout the long summer. Not too many plants bloom non-stop for over 200 days which is a Surefire reason you need to incorporate them into your landscape planting in 2023.
Norman Winter is a horticulturist. He is a former director of the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens. Follow him on Facebook at Norman Winter “The Garden Guy.” See more columns by Norman at SavannahNow.com/lifestyle/home-garden/.